Do you stop to see? Or are you too busy on your devices to notice? Mindfulness let's me see things moment to moment, that is, unless I am more tapped into technology then where I am or what I am doing.
I love the photo for this post. It was shared with me last week - the simple back alley beauty right here in Edmonton. And, as much as I love it, and as hypocritical as it seems to say, the desire to share has become programmed in us and easy to indulge in. Perhaps it's becoming a lost skill to slow down, pay attention, absorb and later (often much later) describe in words, or other creative forms what we have been touched by. Instead we dash to grab our phone and share an image or video.
Maybe try to unplug even just for a short walk and notice what you notice. Try to describe it to someone, journal about it, dance... If you're needing some support on how to have a digital detox from social media and technology, my ebook is packed full of ideas.
I'll be heeding my own advice and offline as of June 23. Excited to rejuvenate myself by taking a tech break while on holiday! I will be back in the office July 12 and encourage those of you who are current clients to book a session for my return!