Here I Am!

A moment of calm during a yoga and meditation retreat in 2017.

A moment of calm during a yoga and meditation retreat in 2017.

Hello to my dear community,

There are many things I would like to share, but it is late, and I must sleep. So, I will keep this brief and write again sooner rather than later.

  1. It has, unintentionally, been ages since I have written. I am happy to report all is well and life is full. For those of you who I haven’t seen in person lately, I hope you survived the holidays and are finding time for yourself as we begin a new year.

  2. I am honoured to be guest teaching Sunday morning for Empowered Yoga’s Meditation and Mindfulness Training happening January 18 - 20. I have found retreats and intensives a wonderful place to deepen my learning and understanding. I look forward to joining forces with Michele Theoret during this module created for those who wish to incorporate meditation and mindfulness into their current practice both personally or as a facilitator.

  3. I just wrote a blog post that I was jazzed to share with you and then it disappeared into the ether… not ideal, but I am dealing with it. More on that next time.

I look forward to connecting soon, hopefully in person!
