Closer to Your Truth

Doodling I did during my recent Hakomi training.

Doodling I did during my recent Hakomi training.

Despite the cold, it seems as though the first few months of 2019 have zipped by. Things have been been good, and yet, many times I have felt pulled in several directions. What better time than spring, to clean up my act and make choices more aligned with my intentions.

If you are a current client, you will know that several months back, I made the conscious choice to create more flow for myself. This meant my booking system changed to allow for a 10 minute break between each session. However, after giving this new system a good run, it seems to be creating more chaos than flow, as I end up with large breaks and clients unable to book in. Given that I am only in the office two days a week, I want to ensure greater availability and thus am returning to my old booking system, but with a twist…

Therapists typically operate on what is known as the 50 minute hour, meaning the session itself is 50 minutes, with the remaining 10 minutes available to complete notes and prepare for the next client. By ignoring this method, and utilizing the entire hour, I have been getting off track. I need to take responsibility for the impact this has had. The reality is, working straight to 60 minutes often has me running behind, or ignoring my needs (and sometimes, Nibby’s).

My true intention is to provide quality care for each of my clients. In order to do so, I also have to look after myself. Thus, while 50 minutes is shorter, I believe you will get a better version of me when you’re in the office. PLUS, you will actually be able to book appointments with more ease.

Admittedly, I do have some angst about this decision. However, being clear on my intention has made it much easier to move ahead. I invite you to consider: what adjustments can you make to live closer to your truth?

I appreciate your patience as I navigate this terrain. Hope to see you soon,