Deepika's book

Chapter 5: The 11 Culprits of Consistent Connection

Chapter 5: The 11 Culprits of Consistent Connection

Alright, social media and technology aren't all bad. We've got that part surrounded. But social media and technology do have some significant downsides. You might be aware of these but many are sneakier than they seem, especially since most of them blend into one another.

Do any of these look familiar?

1. Technology is Addictive

Did you hear about the man who walked into a bar while texting?

Chapter 2: The Reasons for Social Overload

Chapter 2: The Reasons for Social Overload

Constantly being plugged into social media is extracting a significant tax from our bodies. These days we’re blurring the boundaries between the various activities that shape who we are as human beings. Everything we do is purposeful. The choices we make and the roads we travel are unique. The problem with a constant connection is that whether we’re working, studying, spending time with our families, or spending time alone, those actions lose a degree of their independence when they're constantly intertwined with online connections.

Not only do work emails interrupt personal time, but personal connections also interrupt work time.