social media

Chapter 5: The 11 Culprits of Consistent Connection

Chapter 5: The 11 Culprits of Consistent Connection

Alright, social media and technology aren't all bad. We've got that part surrounded. But social media and technology do have some significant downsides. You might be aware of these but many are sneakier than they seem, especially since most of them blend into one another.

Do any of these look familiar?

1. Technology is Addictive

Did you hear about the man who walked into a bar while texting?

On Social Media & Technology: How To Use It Without Being Consumed By it

On Social Media & Technology: How To Use It Without Being Consumed By it

Do you ever imagine what communication looked like 100 years ago? If you’re curious, just grab your phone and… wait, don’t do that. Resist that urge for a moment.

In the last couple decades the manner in which we communicate has changed so drastically it makes the experiences of even one generation ago sound archaic. For instance, I remember my second grade best friend moving away and the colourful sticker-covered correspondence letters we shared as she became my newest pen-pal. The coveted letters that came occasionally in the mail were my only links to her. As I got older...

Introducing a Brand New Way to Find Balance with Social Media & Technology

Introducing a Brand New Way to Find Balance with Social Media & Technology

A blank page awaits me.

So let’s get to it. 

I'm Kelvin, and today I’m proud to introduce a brand new book written by my friend Deepika Mittra called Social Media & Technology, How to Use It Without Being Consumed By It.

It’s a book to teach people like you and me how to find balance in the daily dance with online distractions and an increasingly connected digital society that’s supposed to enrich our lives.