Shall We Meet IRL?

Shall We Meet IRL?

IRL?? In Real Life! Yes, I still think there is something to be said for face to face contact...

While I like to stay connected online, you may have caught me on CBC Edmonton giving my two-cents about the increase in anonymous confession sites. Don't get me wrong, I think it is great to let your emotions out, I'm just leery about who is moderating these types of things and the possibility of opening yourself up to hateful comments. I'd much rather we 'confess' to trusted individuals.

The Blanket and the Cinema

The Blanket and the Cinema

A few weeks back, I had the chance, or rather made the time, to do something I rarely do; a movie with my husband. I typically opt for date activities higher in conversation and connection, but it was actually me who wanted to get to the cinema. I’d been wanting to see Inside Out, Disney and Pixar’s latest animated film, about how our emotions guide us through daily life. I’d heard the movie had scientific backing and was so curious to see how it all played out.