The last time you heard from me, I told you about the fantastic Be With Cards and the give away I am so lucky to host! Yet, that give away could only be entered if you got on social media... and that just isn't me and it also isn't fair. I was not in integrity with what I talk about, practice, and support clients with. For that, I apologize.
Self-Care in Time for the Holidays + A Chance to Win!
Just in time for the holidays I have a special treat for you! With lots on the go, most of us are rushing around to get things done. What better time to have self-care reminders! Allow me to introduce to you Barbara Erochina, an emotional wellness coach, writer and speaker based out of Toronto. She is behind a great self-care strategy Be With: Cards for Self-Care. Barbara lives by her belief that the best way to speed up is to slow down and has generously shared her thoughts, and a give-away of the cards below!
With gratitude to Barbara for her insights and the #bewithcards give away!
Welcome to Fall 2016
This fall I'm excited to be taking my work out of the office quite a bit! I am doing several workplace sessions as well as presenting multiple times with the University of Alberta's Executive Education. I am also looking forward to being part of the BLOOM Festival! Perhaps I'll see you at one of these events, or if you're interested, contact me about setting something up for your workplace or community group.
New Office Space & Vacation Reminder
Exciting Times Ahead...
If we haven't crossed paths recently, or in case I failed to mention, my associates and I at North Land Family Counselling have new digs and are set to be in our fully renovated space by the fall! We are relocating to the Ritchie Professional Centre and will be up and running after the September long weekend. The new location, 9557 76 Ave, will have ample parking nearby and is accessible by bus routes 81, 87 and 323. There will be some great amenities and the lovely Mill Creek Ravine is just a jaunt away! Can you tell I'm excited?
Coping Amidst Disaster
It has been a sobering time in Alberta with the wildfires causing upheaval to so many. Even if you have not been personally affected, it is hard to not feel emotional about a situation happening so close to home. Often, it feels like there is little that we can 'do' to make a situation like this better. It is important to remember, that who we are 'being' is also important, so ensure that you are also looking after yourself.
Kind and Connected
I hope this finds you well at the start of 2016! Hard to believe we are almost 1/12 of the way through... If you are keen on resolutions, you may be joining my camp, and the resolution phase may be entering a lull... Just so you are aware, this is a totally expected and common experience. My hope is that within this lapse, you are being kind...
December Already
Shall We Meet IRL?
IRL?? In Real Life! Yes, I still think there is something to be said for face to face contact...
While I like to stay connected online, you may have caught me on CBC Edmonton giving my two-cents about the increase in anonymous confession sites. Don't get me wrong, I think it is great to let your emotions out, I'm just leery about who is moderating these types of things and the possibility of opening yourself up to hateful comments. I'd much rather we 'confess' to trusted individuals.