Fall Frenzy & Conscious Choice

Fall Frenzy & Conscious Choice

Fall of 2018 has brought a bit of frenzy into my life. Our household is in flux, as our kidlet entered kindergarten and we now have a firm schedule which we are all learning to adhere to. Though for many years September has not brought an official start or change in schedule, I have always found there is an energy about it, as projects that were on hold over summer restart and a different pace takes hold.

Make Space

Make Space

They do say time flies when you're having fun! I hope that you have been enjoying the longer days of sunshine and making some time for self-care. As you may (or may not!) have noticed, my self-care has continued to involve limiting my screen time, opting instead for other ways to pass my time. What have I been doing you ask?

Well... the past month I have really embraced the concept of minimizing.